Sunday, May 1, 2011


She was cry again, why was she so silly? Her eyes was sored, and her nose was blocked, but she still cried. she cried about what she also didn't know... was she in pain, or she was sad, or disappointed??what did she cry  about? 
Lies and not keeping promises were things what she hates the most in this world..........However, everyone may be afford to lying, she was not exception , but she just wanted a explain, or any promise, what make her feel comfort, and she was still important to anyone.
The conversation was ended, but she still cried, what the matter? who know, who care about her? no one. Her eyes were hurt and sore. So what? She cried!!!
It was mid night, that silly girl look on her phone. What was she waiting for? So silly (Stupid)? There's nothing for waiting. But she was still waiting, what a disappointed. She still cried. 
she was scared!!!.. she was scared of lonely. she hated to be alone. She had no one, except that bad person, who she was waiting for. but it'll be better if she leave him. She will be hurt.... extremely hurt.
She cannot cried anymore, her eyes were too sored and her heart was broken.... what does she have to do now? Still waiting something what will come to phone or turn the cell off??? She was out of tears.... hoped...waited... disappointed...

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