Sunday, May 1, 2011


She was cry again, why was she so silly? Her eyes was sored, and her nose was blocked, but she still cried. she cried about what she also didn't know... was she in pain, or she was sad, or disappointed??what did she cry  about? 
Lies and not keeping promises were things what she hates the most in this world..........However, everyone may be afford to lying, she was not exception , but she just wanted a explain, or any promise, what make her feel comfort, and she was still important to anyone.
The conversation was ended, but she still cried, what the matter? who know, who care about her? no one. Her eyes were hurt and sore. So what? She cried!!!
It was mid night, that silly girl look on her phone. What was she waiting for? So silly (Stupid)? There's nothing for waiting. But she was still waiting, what a disappointed. She still cried. 
she was scared!!!.. she was scared of lonely. she hated to be alone. She had no one, except that bad person, who she was waiting for. but it'll be better if she leave him. She will be hurt.... extremely hurt.
She cannot cried anymore, her eyes were too sored and her heart was broken.... what does she have to do now? Still waiting something what will come to phone or turn the cell off??? She was out of tears.... hoped...waited... disappointed...

My Life

When i was a little girl, i thought that this life was beautiful, every one loved me and be nice to me.  The world was changing as I grown up. Every thing was changed, people became so mean to each other. What they cared about is money, education, society level, who was rich, who was poor,  and etc...those thing changed my view about this world clearly, just like a paradise transform to a hell. That also made me felt upset too, but i still have to live in this dangerous life. I don't care what people said or did. I just want to be my self like a child in my mother safety warm hands. I went to school and come home like everyday, no friend, no love. I lived because of my family. I'm happy when i'm with them. happy

Smoking Y.Y

Today, smoking is a serious problem what people should concern about. You can see smokers everywhere as you walk by, and you may feel upset about it if you are non-smokers. Many people know that smoking is a harmful thing, but no one can help to stop it. You should know smoking may harm your health, others health, your relationship and even economic. Thus, I think smoking should be ban in public because it is a harmful thing.
In early age, many youths think smoking is a good grown up habit. Having a try of smoking, many youths recognize that smoking is unhealthy and dangerous so they quit, but some of them follow to smoke because they think it’s cool. Smoking becomes their habit and they cannot control their desire of smoking. Until they want to quit smoking because they know it’s harmful but it’s a real challenge for them. Smoking is a weapon that can kill a person slowly. As a research, cigarette contains over 4000 chemical and cause of 60 types of cancer. Additional, smoking can cause of stenosis, heart attack, stroke … and 8% of smokers have facial change. According to a study, smokers have lower I.Q. than non-smoker. Moreover, male and female smoker can lose an average of 13.2 and 14.5 years of life. Smoking is really dangerous for health.
Smoking is not only affecting your health, it also affects your loved ones’ health such as your family, children and even unborn baby. As second hand smokers, adults have higher risk of cancer than smokers. Children will be prone to asthma, ear, nose and chest inflection. Smoking is also harm your baby’s weight, size, body, lung and brain function. It is really dangerous to you and your family. I think that if you cannot protect your family, but at least you should not harm their health.
Basing on my experience, smoking also may affect your relationship. Example, when you smoke, have you look others face around you and how are they react about your smoking. Are they happy? I can see that most of them in my campus walk by smokers’ area; they just frown and mumble something then go away quickly. In family, my brother is also a smoker. We always take a fight after talk about his smoking, which affects our relationship badly. I know that smoker always feel uneasy when others talk about their habit, but that’s a caring way of others, that show how others worry about them. Therefore, I think people should not damage their relationship because of an illness thing like smoking.
 As New Jersey Real-time News – Economic “The average pack of smokes in the Garden State costs $7.48, but it really costs the residents and the state's economy $30.29 per pack when lost wages, premature death and health care expenses are factored in, according to an analysis by researchers at Penn State University,” and "New Jersey once dedicated $30 million a year to anti-tobacco efforts." You can see that smoking affects your living place economy. Additional, smokers usually spend a lot of money to buy cigarettes each year but it is spending much more money on healthcare and anti-tobacco efforts. It wasted your taxes. Why don’t you think you can save that money to do or help other necessary things? Such as healthcare, school, homeless, community and much more, those are should be more helpful than smoking.
In conclusion, you should see that smoking is not helpful at all. Smoking put others health and yours in risk. Moreover, smoking also affect several thing

Peek-a-boo is dangerous to elder (Create News)

At the my auntie’s party, my grandaunt got a heart attack from her grandchild’s peek-a-boo, then fell on the floor on last Friday.
At the weekend family party, everyone enjoyed their family time, parents chatted together, teenager was busy to play with the Wii, and those little kids chased others, plays, and laughed happily.
My grandma and grandaunt was watching news and chatted with each other at the same time.
It was about 9pm, it was too late for elder’s sleep, so my mom and aunt asked their moms went to their bed.
My grandma head to the guest room and sleep, she was tired. Grandaunt was tired too but she always wanted to go to the restroom first before she went to her bedroom. As she was on the way come out from the restroom.
Her little grandchild, Titi, stood in front of the restroom door. He wanted to play with his grandma, so he jump to his grandma and peek-a-boo her. But she got a slight heart attack and fell on the floor. Titi laughed a lot. Everyone heard the noise and come over.
Parents knew the situation and scolded at Titi. Everyone went to help grandaunt to get up. Luckily, grandaunt just got a minor injury and she said she was okay. And Titi cried and felt sorry for her. What a poor innocent kid, don’t play that game again. That was a small accident.

My learning style

We usually use our sense to learn. There are three basic types of learning: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Visual learner usually learns by showing information by graph, chart, and illustration. Auditory learner use listening to learn new things. Learning by moving and touching (physical activity) is kinesthetic. Through this lesson, I found out that my learning style is auditory.
According to internet and instructor’s articles, auditory learner has an ability to retain and learn new things by listening and discussing. This learning style does not necessary to take notes in the classroom but prefer to engage in discussion about a topic. They enjoy asking question as part of learning process. Auditory learner usually talk or mumbling while they write. Auditory learner’s strength is recalling the details and information that has been discussed before. Activities, project and assignment are not an ideal way to learn for auditory learner. Chatter amongst classmates also is a challenge for them because it prevents auditory learner from hearing the instructor. They may have difficulty with reading and writing. In classroom, I usually learn by listening and taking notes. Assignment and activities are really tasks for me. Moreover, I don’t like to ask question during class. However, I really enjoy listening to my instructor and others. I usually mumble to myself while I study. Speaking, reading and writing are my challenges in class.
In addition, I have some multiple intelligences such as Logical Mathematical, Naturalist, Spatial, kinesthetic and Intrapersonal. Logical mathematical learner, who is strong in math, reasoning, logical, problem solve, pattern. Naturalist understands nature, making distinctions, identifying flora and fauna. Visual Spatial Intelligence who have ability of thinking in pictures, imagination and love drawing. Who strong in athletics, dancing, acting, crafts, and using tools is Kinesthetic intelligence.   Working alone, reflecting, pursue interests are abilities of Intrapersonal person. I love math and love to play puzzles, maps, chart, imaging things and solving problem. I love working in nature and alone. I also like music, crafts and arts.
I did work hard in this assignment and I enjoy it. I do believe both profiles, Learning style and Multiple Intelligence, are accurate representations of how I learn, think, and interact with others. Articles what I searched on the internet are not really right with my learning style. But instructor’s hand-out paper is mostly right with me.  I didn’t have any assignment like this project in other class. I like this project because it is really helpful to me. It helps me to understand myself clearly, know how to learn easier. Now, I know my weakness and I’ll try to improve myself.